NFL Quarterback Club '98
Genre: Sports
| Players: 1-4
- Attributes Trick
from Chris Evans
- This trick is for creating your own players. after you put in the players name, weight, height etc. press "a" or "start" and it will take you to the attributes screen. If you look at the big green bar at the top of the screen it isn't always filled up all the way, therefore you have to cut back on some stuff but if you want it to be higher then all you have to do is press the "b" to take you back to the previous screen and then press "a" again to take you back to the attributes screen. The green bar will change. You can do this trick as many times as you want until you have the amount that you want.
- Bonus Teams
from Beau
- For two bonus teams, enter the code STNTXTM on the CHEATS screen.
- Cheat Codes
from barkalos, r97atlanta, TrackBlur and TheGameDr
- Enter these codes on the CHEATS menu.
Code Effect
bbmntbl Tall and skinny players
crllwys Jump farther
glythmd Goliath mode
rnldswzngr Stronger players
smlmdgt Midget mode
jpnsmwr Short and flat players
mchljnsn Faster players
wltrpytn Stronger runningbacks
bgbfyff Stronger receivers
downdrv Improved secondary
gtnhnds Fumble mode
sprslyd Slippery field
dwndrv Unlimited downs
brdwynmth Makes all quarterbacks stars
- Computer Help
from Chris Evans
- Having trouble making those Field Goals? Getting off terrible Kick Offs? Making 20 yard Punts? If so, don't do them, let the computer do them for you. Now while this may seem obvious and basic to some, others might find this one of the most useful tricks in the game. When you go to either kick a field goal, a kick off, or punt, just switch your guy (bottom C button) to not be the kicker. Then just press Z. The play will go on as usual, and you are pratically assured a good kick!
- Credits Glitch
from Chris Evans
- I found this glitch upon looking at the "credits" option. If you notice, when you look at who developed the game, it has Brette Farve as the first person, of course because he endorsed the game. The thing is, it also shows the picture of the person, and so Brette Farves picture was there. But now, after creating my dream team for the Washington Redskins, I noticed that when I went back, it was Gus Frerotte's picture in replace of Brette's. What? This is what happens. I guess the game is programed to look at the starting quarterback on the Packers when they show the picture in the development team staff credits. So basically, you can have anyone take the place of Brette Farve in the Staff credits, you just have to trade the person you want with Brette Farve. While this glitch is obviously useless, it's still cool.
- Injured Men can Play
from Chris Evans
- In Qb club you can get injured men to play. All you have to do is when a player gets injured right after that play go to sub players screen.Press the Reset All button and they're back in. It will say their injured though.
- Speed Boost
from Chris Evans
- To run faster press A for a boost. Then, instead of waiting for your meter to refill by itself, tap A repeatedly to hurry it along and allow yourself to fill up the boost meter quicker than normal.
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